《vanity fair(名利场)》



vanity fair(名利场)- 第56部分

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coverings of his lanky person。
Dobbin had been in the coffee…room for an hour or
more。  He had tried all the papers; but could not read
them。  He had looked at the clock many scores of times;
and at the street; where the rain was pattering down;
and the people as they clinked by in pattens; left long
reflections on the shining stone: he tattooed at the table:
he bit his nails most completely; and nearly to the quick
(he was accustomed to ornament his great big hands in
this way): he balanced the tea…spoon dexterously on the
milk jug: upset it; &c。; &c。; and in fact showed those
signs of disquietude; and practised those desperate
attempts at amusement; which men are accustomed to
employ when very anxious; and expectant; and perturbed
in mind。
Some of his comrades; gentlemen who used the room;
joked him about the splendour of his costume and his
agitation of manner。  One asked him if he was going to be
married?  Dobbin laughed; and said he would send his
acquaintance (Major Wagstaff of the Engineers) a piece of
cake when that event took place。  At length Captain Osborne
made his appearance; very smartly dressed; but
very pale and agitated as we have said。  He wiped his
pale face with a large yellow bandanna pocket…handkerchief
that was prodigiously scented。  He shook hands with
Dobbin; looked at the clock; and told John; the waiter;
to bring him some curacao。  Of this cordial he swallowed
off a couple of glasses with nervous eagerness。
His friend asked with some interest about his health。
〃Couldn't get a wink of sleep till daylight; Dob;〃 said
he。  〃Infernal headache and fever。  Got up at nine; and
went down to the Hummums for a bath。  I say; Dob; I feel
just as I did on the morning I went out with Rocket at
〃So do I;〃 William responded。  〃I was a deuced deal
more nervous than you were that morning。  You made a
famous breakfast; I remember。  Eat something now。〃
〃You're a good old fellow; Will。  I'll drink your health;
old boy; and farewell to〃
〃No; no; two glasses are enough;〃 Dobbin interrupted
him。  〃Here; take away the liqueurs; John。  Have some
cayenne…pepper with your fowl。  Make haste though; for it
is time we were there。〃
It was about half an hour from twelve when this
brief meeting and colloquy took place between the two
captains。  A coach; into which Captain Osborne's servant
put his master's desk and dressing…case; had been in
waiting for some time; and into this the two gentlemen
hurried under an umbrella; and the valet mounted on the
box; cursing the rain and the dampness of the coachman
who was steaming beside him。  〃We shall find a better
trap than this at the church…door;〃 says he; 〃that's a
comfort。〃 And the carriage drove on; taking the road
down Piccadilly; where Apsley House and St。 George's
Hospital wore red jackets still; where there were oil…
lamps; where Achilles was not yet born; nor the Pimlico
arch raised; nor the hideous equestrian monster which
pervades it and the neighbourhood; and so they drove
down by Brompton to a certain chapel near the Fulham
Road there。
A chariot was in waiting with four horses; likewise a
coach of the kind called glass coaches。  Only a very few
idlers were collected on account of the dismal rain。
〃Hang it!〃 said George; 〃I said only a pair。〃
〃My master would have four;〃 said Mr。 Joseph Sedley's
servant; who was in waiting; and he and Mr。 Osborne's
man agreed as they followed George and William into
the church; that it was a 〃reg'lar shabby turn
hout; and with scarce so much as a breakfast or a
wedding faviour。〃
〃Here you are;〃 said our old friend; Jos Sedley; coming
forward。  〃You're five minutes late; George; my boy。
What a day; eh? Demmy; it's like the commencement of
the rainy season in Bengal。  But you'll find my carriage
is watertight。  Come along; my mother and Emmy are in the
Jos Sedley was splendid。  He was fatter than ever。  His
shirt collars were higher; his face was redder; his shirt…
frill flaunted gorgeously out of his variegated waistcoat。
Varnished boots were not invented as yet; but the Hessians
on his beautiful legs shone so; that they must have been
the identical pair in which the gentleman in the old picture
used to shave himself; and on his light green coat
there bloomed a fine wedding favour; like a great white
spreading magnolia。
In a word; George had thrown the great cast。  He was
going to be married。  Hence his pallor and nervousness
his sleepless night and agitation in the morning。  I have
heard people who have gone through the same thing
own to the same emotion。  After three or four ceremonies;
you get accustomed to it; no doubt; but the first
dip; everybody allows; is awful。
The bride was dressed in a brown silk pelisse (as
Captain Dobbin has since informed me); and wore a straw
bonnet with a pink ribbon; over the bonnet she had a
veil of white Chantilly lace; a gift from Mr。 Joseph Sedley;
her brother。  Captain Dobbin himself had asked leave
to present her with a gold chain and watch; which she
sported on this occasion; and her mother gave her her
diamond broochalmost the only trinket which was left
to the old lady。  As the service went on; Mrs。 Sedley sat
and whimpered a great deal in a pew; consoled by the
Irish maid…servant and Mrs。 Clapp from the lodgings。
Old Sedley would not be present。  Jos acted for his father;
giving away the bride; whilst Captain Dobbin stepped up
as groomsman to his friend George。
There was nobody in the church besides the officiating
persons and the small marriage party and their attendants。
The two valets sat aloof superciliously。  The rain
came rattling down on the windows。  In the intervals of
the service you heard it; and the sobbing of old Mrs。
Sedley in the pew。  The parson's tones echoed sadly
through the empty walls。  Osborne's 〃I will〃 was sounded
in very deep bass。  Emmy's response came fluttering up
to her lips from her heart; but was scarcely heard by
anybody except Captain Dobbin。
When the service was completed; Jos Sedley came
forward and kissed his sister; the bride; for the first time
for many monthsGeorge's look of gloom had gone; and
he seemed quite proud and radiant。  〃It's your turn;
William;〃 says he; putting his hand fondly upon Dobbin's
shoulder; and Dobbin went up and touched Amelia on
the cheek。
Then they went into the vestry and signed the register。
〃God bless you; Old Dobbin;〃 George said; grasping him
by the hand; with something very like moisture glistening
in his eyes。  William replied only by nodding his head。
His heart was too full to say much。
〃Write directly; and come down as soon as you can;
you know;〃 Osborne said。  After Mrs。 Sedley had taken an
hysterical adieu of her daughter; the pair went off to the
carriage。  〃Get out of the way; you little devils;〃 George
cried to a small crowd of damp urchins; that were hanging
about the chapel…door。  The rain drove into the bride
and bridegroom's faces as they passed to the chariot。
The postilions' favours draggled on their dripping jackets。
The few children made a dismal cheer; as the carriage;
splashing mud; drove away。
William Dobbin stood in the church…porch; looking at it;
a queer figure。  The small crew of spectators jeered him。
He was not thinking about them or their laughter。
〃Come home and have some tiffin; Dobbin;〃 a voice
cried behind him; as a pudgy hand was laid on his shoulder;
and the honest fellow's reverie was interrupted。  But
the Captain had no heart to go a…feasting with Jos Sedley。
He put the weeping old lady and her attendants into the
carriage along with Jos; and left them without any farther
words passing。  This carriage; too; drove away; and the
urchins gave another sarcastical cheer。
〃Here; you little beggars;〃 Dobbin said; giving some
sixpences amongst them; and then went off by himself
through the rain。  It was all over。  They were married; and
happy; he prayed God。  Never since he was a boy had he
felt so miserable and so lonely。  He longed with a heart…
sick yearning for the first few days to be over; that he
might see her again。
Some ten days after the above ceremony; three young
men of our acquaintance were enjoying that beautiful
prospect of bow windows on the one side and blue sea
on the other; which Brighton affords to the traveller。
Sometimes it is towards the oceansmiling with countless
dimples; speckled with white sails; with a hundred
bathing…machines kissing the skirt of his blue garment
that the Londoner looks enraptured: sometimes; on the
contrary; a lover of human nature rather than of prospects
of any kind; it is towards the bow windows that
he turns; and that swarm of human life which they
exhibit。  From one issue the notes of a piano; which a young
lady in ringlets practises six hours daily; to the delight
of the fellow…lodgers: at another; lovely Polly; the nurse…
maid; may be seen dandling Master Omnium in her arms:
whilst Jacob; his papa; is beheld eating prawns; and
devouring the Times for breakfast; at the window below。
Yonder are the Misses Leery; who are looking out for the
young officers of the Heavies; who are pretty sure to be
pacing the cliff; or again it is a City man; with a nautical
turn; and a telescope; 
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