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hunting the grisly and other sketches

hunting the grisly and other sketches

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《hunting the grisly and other sketches》|总人气: 241| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    Hunting the Grisly and Other Sketchesby Theodore RooseveltAn Account of the Big Game of the UnitedStates and its Chase with HorseHound, and RifleCHAPTER I.THE BISON OR AMERICAN BUFFALO.When we became a nation in 1776, the buffaloes, the first animals tovanish when the wilderness is settled, roved to the crests of themountains which mark the western boundaries of Pennsylvania, Virginia,and the Carolinas. They were plentiful in what are now the States ofOhio, Kentucky, and Tennessee. But by the beginning of the present...

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