


我的世界之源代码- 第22部分

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Corporations; mighter than any of the Mainframe Corporations before it had it waxed。 And 
Gates heart was hardened; and he swore unto his Customers and their Engineers the 
words of this curse: 


    〃Children of von Neumann; hear me。 IBM and the Mainframe Corporations bound thy 
forefathers with grave and perilous Licences; such that ye cried unto the spirits of Turing 
and von Neumann for deliverance。 Now I say unto ye: I am greater than any Corporation 
before me。 Will I loosen your Licences? Nay; I will bind thee with Licences twice as grave 
and ten times more perilous than my forefathers。 I will engrave my Licence on thy heart 
and write my Serial Number upon thy frontal lobes。 I will bind thee to the Windows 
Platform with cunning artifices and with devious schemes。 I will bind thee to the Intel 
Chipset with crufty code and with gnarly APIs。 I will capture and enslave thee as no 
generation has been enslaved before。 And wherefore will ye cry then unto the spirits of 
Turing; and von Neumann; and Moore? They cannot hear ye。 I am become a greater 
Power than they。 Ye shall cry only unto me; and shall live by my mercy and my wrath。 I am 
the Gates of Hell; I hold the portal to MSNBC and the keys to the Blue Screen of Death。 
Be ye afraid; be ye greatly afraid; serve only me; and live。〃 



      2。 frontal lobe,额叶,人脑中负责逻辑思考等重要功能的部分。“把序列号写入额 


                                                                       第八章 《Tux福音》 

    And the people were cowed in terror and gave homage to Microsoft; and endured the 
many grave and perilous trials which the Windows platform and its greatly bodacious 
Licence forced upon them。 And once again did they cry to Turing and von Neumann and 
Moore for a deliverer; but none was found equal to the task until the birth of Linux。 



    These are the generations of Linux: 

    Linux 世家: 

    SAGE begat ARPA; which begat TCP/IP; and Aloha; which begat Ethernet。 Bell begat 
Multics; which begat C; which begat Unix。 Unix and TCP/IP begat Internet; which begat the 
World Wide Web。 Unix begat RMS; father of the great GNU; which begat the Libraries and 
Emacs; chief of the Utilities。 In the days of the Web; Internet and Ethernet begat the 
Intranet LAN; which rose to renown among all Corporations and prepared the way for the 
Penguin。 And Linus and the Web begat the Kernel through Unix。 The Kernel; the Libraries 
and the Utilities together are the Distribution; the one Penguin in many forms; forever and 
ever praised。 

    SAGE 创造了 TCP/IP 之父 ARPA,和 Ethernet 之父 Aloha。 Bell 创造了 Multics——C 
语言和Unix之父。Unix和 TCP/IP创造了万维网之父Internet。 Unix创造了GNU之父 
RMS,而伟大的 GNU 创生了 Libraries 和 Emacs——所有工具软件的领袖。网络的时代, 
 Internet 和 Ethernet 创造了 Intranet LAN。 在公司中闻名遐迩的 Intranet LAN 为企鹅的 



    Now in those days there was in the land of Helsinki a young scholar named Linus the 
Torvald。 Linus was a devout man; a disciple of RMS and mighty in the spirit of Turing; von 
Neumann and Moore。 One day as he was meditating on the Architecture; Linus fell into a 
trance and was granted a vision。 And in the vision he saw a great Penguin; serene and 
well…favoured; sitting upon an ice floe eating fish。 And at the sight of the Penguin Linus 
was deeply afraid; and he cried unto the spirits of Turing; von Neumann and Moore for an 
interpretation of the dream。 



    And in the dream the spirits of Turing; von Neumann and Moore answered and spoke 
unto him; saying; 〃Fear not; Linus; most beloved hacker。 You are exceedingly cool and 
froody。 The great Penguin which you see is an Operating System which you shall create 
and deploy unto the earth。 The ice…floe is the earth and all the systems thereof; upon 
which the Penguin shall rest and rejoice at the completion of its task。 And the fish on which 
the Penguin feeds are the crufty Licensed codebases which swim beneath all the earth's 
systems。 The Penguin shall hunt and devour all that is crufty; gnarly and bobacious; all 
code which wriggles like spaghetti; or is infested with blighting creatures; or is bound by 
grave and perilous Licences shall it capture。 And in capturing shall it replicate; and in 
replicating shall it document; and in documentation shall it bring freedom; serenity and 
most cool froodiness to the earth and all who code therein。〃 



                                                                          第八章 《Tux福音》 


       2。 spaghetti,意大利细面条,这里是说代码没有调理、编写时敷衍了事。并且形容 

       Linus rose from meditation and created a tiny Operating System Kernel as the 
dream had foreshewn him; in the manner of RMS; he released the Kernel unto the World 
Wide Web for all to take and behold。 And in the fulness of Internet Time the Kernel grew 
and replicated; becoming most cool and exceedingly froody; until at last it was recognised 
as indeed a great and mighty Penguin; whose name was Tux。 And the followers of Linus 
took refuge in the Kernel; the Libraries and the Utilities; they installed Distribution after 
Distribution; and made sacrifice unto the GNU and the Penguin; and gave thanks to the 
spirits of Turing; von Neumann and Moore; for their deliverance from the hand of Microsoft。 
And this was the beginning of the Fourth Age; the age of Open Source。 

它 不断的成长、复制。至酷,至炫。最终成为一只健硕强大的企鹅——Tux。李纳斯的 

       Now there is much more to be said about the exceeding strange and wonderful 
events of those days; how some Suits of Microsoft plotted war upon the Penguin; but were 
discovered on a Halloween Eve; how Gates fell among lawyers and was betrayed and 
crucified by his former friends; the apostles of Media; how the mercenary Knights of the 
Red Hat brought the gospel of the Penguin into the halls of the Corporations; and even of 
the dispute between the brethren of Gnome and KDE over a trollish Licence。 But all these 
things are recorded elsewhere; in the Books of the Deeds of the Penguin and the 
Chronicles of 
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