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noto, an unexplored corner of japan

noto, an unexplored corner of japan

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《noto, an unexplored corner of japan》|总人气: 15| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    Noto, an unexplored corner of Japanby Percival LowellFrom you, my dear Basil, the confidant of my hopes toward Noto, Iknow I may look for sympathy now that my advances have met with suchhappy issue, however incomplete be my account. And so I ask you tobe my best man in the matter before the world.Ever yours,Percival Lowell.Basil Hall Chamberlain, Esq.Contents.I. An Unknown.II. Off and On.III. The Usui Pass.IV. Zenkoji.V. No.VI. On a New Cornice Road.VII. Oya Shiradzu, Ko Shiradzu.VIII. Across the Etchiu Delta....

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