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the stokesley secret

the stokesley secret

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《the stokesley secret》|总人气: 76| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    The Stokesley Secretby Charlotte M. YongeCHAPTER I."How can a pig pay the rent?"The question seemed to have been long under consideration, to judge by the manner in which it came out of the pouting lips of that sturdy young five-year-old gentleman, David Merrifield, as he sat on a volume of the great Latin Dictionary to raise him to a level with the tea-table.Long, however, as it had been considered, it was unheeded on account of one more interesting to the general public assembled round the table."I say!" hallooed out a tall lad of twelve holding aloft a slice taken from the dish in the centre of the table, "I say! what do you call this, Ma

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