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the comparison of sertorius with eumenes

the comparison of sertorius with eumenes

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《the comparison of sertorius with eumenes》|总人气: 15| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

     THE COMPARISON OF SERTORIUS WITH EUMENESby Plutarchtranslated by John DrydenTHESE are the most remarkable passages that are come to ourknowledge concerning Eumenes and Sertorius. In comparing theirlives, we may observe that this was common to them both; that beingaliens, strangers, and banished men, they came to be commanders ofpowerful forces, and had the leading of numerous and warlike armies,made up of divers nations. This was peculiar to Sertorius, that thechief command was, by his whole party, freely yielded to him, as tothe person of the greatest merit and renown, whereas Eumenes had...

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