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《mac.thepearlharbormurders》|总人气: 32| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

     Max A. Collins, Sr.- who served in the Pacific "This week a high officer of the U.S. Army remarked that he knows of no place under the American flag safer than Hawaii-more secure from the onslaught of actual war." Honolulu Star Bulletin, May 1941 "There is no chivalry in plete war."  Edgar Rice Burroughs ONE: December 5, 1941  ONE Boat Day  In less than forty-eight hours, six Japanese aircraft carriers-220 miles north of the island of Oahu-would launch 350 warplanes in an attack not preceded by any formal declaration of war. Every significant Naval and air installation would feel the brunt of the surprise raid, which lasted less than two ho

