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alfred tennyson

alfred tennyson

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《alfred tennyson》|总人气: 77| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    Alfred Tennysonby Andrew LangINTRODUCTIONIn writing this brief sketch of the Life of Tennyson, and thisattempt to appreciate his work, I have rested almost entirely on theBiography by Lord Tennyson (with his kind permission) and on the textof the Poems. As to the Life, doubtless current anecdotes, not givenin the Biography, are known to me, and to most people. But as theymust also be familiar to the author of the Biography, I have notthought it desirable to include what he rejected. The works of the"localisers" I have not read: Tennyson disliked these researches, asa rule, and they appear to be unessential, and often hazardous. The...

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