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miss sarah jack, of spanish town, jamaica

miss sarah jack, of spanish town, jamaica

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《miss sarah jack, of spanish town, jamaica》|总人气: 19| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    Miss Sarah Jack, of Spanish Town, Jamaicaby Anthony TrollopeThere is nothing so melancholy as a country in its decadence, unlessit be a people in their decadence. I am not aware that the lattermisfortune can be attributed to the Anglo-Saxon race in any part ofthe world; but there is reason to fear that it has fallen on anEnglish colony in the island of Jamaica.Jamaica was one of those spots on which fortune shone with the fullwarmth of all her noonday splendour. That sun has set;whether forever or no none but a prophet can tell; but as far as a plain man maysee, there are at present but few signs of a coming morrow, or of...

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