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20-the ratcatcher

20-the ratcatcher

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《20-the ratcatcher》|总人气: 27| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    THE RATCATCHERA VERY long time ago the town of Hamel in Germany wasinvaded by bands of rats, the like of which had never been seenbefore nor will ever be again.They were great black creatures that ran boldly in broaddaylight through the streets, and swarmed so, all over the houses, thatpeople at last could not put their hand or foot down anywhere withouttouching one. When dressing in the morning they found themin their breeches and petticoats, in their pockets and in their boots;and when they wanted a morsel to eat, the voracious horde hadswept away everything from cellar to garret. The night was even...

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