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a book of scoundrels(流浪之书)

a book of scoundrels(流浪之书)

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《a book of scoundrels(流浪之书)》|总人气: 59| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    - 1A BOOK OF SCOUNDRELSA BOOK OFSCOUNDRELSby CHARLES WHIBLEY1- 2A BOOK OF SCOUNDRELSINTRODUCTIONThere are other manifestations of greatness than to relieve suffering orto wreck an empire. Julius Csar and John Howard are not the onlyheroes who have smiled upon the world. In the supreme adaptation ofmeans to an end there is a constant nobility, for neither ambition nor virtueis the essential of a perfect action. How shall you contemplate with...

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