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the ways of men

the ways of men

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《the ways of men》|总人气: 9| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    The Ways of Menby Eliot GregoryChapter 1 - "UNCLE SAM"THE gentleman who graced the gubernatorial arm-chair of our state when this century was born happened to be an admirer of classic lore and the sonorous names of antiquity.It is owing to his weakness in bestowing pompous cognomens on our embryo towns and villages that to-day names like Utica, Syracuse, and Ithaca, instead of evoking visions of historic pomp and circumstance, raise in the minds of most Americans the picture of cocky little cities, rich only in trolley-cars and Methodist meeting-houses.When, however, this cultured governor, in his ardor, christened one of the cities

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