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the comparison of lucullus with cimon

the comparison of lucullus with cimon

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《the comparison of lucullus with cimon》|总人气: 31| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

     THE COMPARISON OF LUCULLUS WITH CIMONby Plutarchtranslated by John DrydenONE might bless the end of Lucullus, which was so timed as to lethim die before the great revolution, which fate, by intestine wars,was already effecting against the established government, and to closehis life in a free though troubled commonwealth. And in this, aboveall other things, Cimon and he are alike. For he died also when Greecewas as yet undisordered, in its highest felicity; though in thefield at the head of his army, not recalled, nor out of his mind,...

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