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hero tales from american history

hero tales from american history

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《hero tales from american history》|总人气: 27| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    Hero Tales From American Historyby Henry Cabot Lodge and Theodore RooseveltHence it is that the fathers of these men and ours also, and they themselves likewise, being nurtured in all freedom and well born, have shown before all men many and glorious deeds in public and private, deeming it their duty to fight for the cause of liberty and the Greeks, even against Greeks, and against Barbarians for all the Greeks." PLATO: "Menexenus."TO E. Y. R.To you we owe the suggestion of writing this book. Its purpose, as you know better than any one else, is to tell in simple fashion the story of some Americans who showed that they knew how to live and

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