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the comparison of demosthenes and cicero

the comparison of demosthenes and cicero

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《the comparison of demosthenes and cicero》|总人气: 9| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

     THE COMPARISON OF DEMOSTHENES AND CICEROby Plutarchtranslated by John DrydenTHESE are the most memorable circumstances recorded in history ofDemosthenes and Cicero which have come to our knowledge. Butomitting an exact comparison of their respective faculties inspeaking, yet thus much seems fit to be said; that Demosthenes, tomake himself a master in rhetoric, applied all the faculties he had,natural or acquired, wholly that way that he far surpassed in forceand strength of eloquence all his contemporaries in political andjudicial speaking, in grandeur and majesty all the panegyrical...

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