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25-in the land of souls

25-in the land of souls

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《25-in the land of souls》|总人气: 20| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    IN THE LAND OF SOULS [21][21] From the Red Indian.Far away, in North America, where the Red Indians dwell, therelived a long time ago a beautiful maiden, who was lovelier thanany other girl in the whole tribe. Many of the young bravessought her in marriage, but she would listen to one onlyahandsome chief, who had taken her fancy some years before. Sothey were to be married, and great rejoicings were made, and thetwo looked forward to a long life of happiness together, when thevery night before the wedding feast a sudden illness seized thegirl, and, without a word to her friends who were weeping round...

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