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a treatise on parents and children(父母与子女专题研究)

a treatise on parents and children(父母与子女专题研究)

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《a treatise on parents and children(父母与子女专题研究)》|总人气: 32| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    A TREATISE ON PARENTS AND CHILDRENA TREATISE ONPARENTS ANDCHILDRENBY BERNARD SHAW1- Page 2-A TREATISE ON PARENTS AND CHILDRENTrailing Clouds of GloryChildhood is a stage in the process of that continual remanufacture ofthe Life Stuff by which the human race is perpetuated. The Life Forceeither will not or cannot achieve immortality except in very low organisms:indeed it is by no means ascertained that even the amoeba is immortal....

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