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death of the lion

death of the lion

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《death of the lion》|总人气: 13| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    The Death of the Lionby Henry JamesCHAPTER I.I HAD simply, I suppose, a change of heart, and it must have begunwhen I received my manuscript back from Mr. Pinhorn. Mr. Pinhornwas my "chief," as he was called in the office: he had the highmission of bringing the paper up. This was a weekly periodical,which had been supposed to be almost past redemption when he tookhold of it. It was Mr. Deedy who had let the thing down sodreadfully: he was never mentioned in the office now save inconnexion with that misdemeanour. Young as I was I had been in amanner taken over from Mr. Deedy, who had been owner as well as...

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