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《jdavid.footprintsofthunder》|总人气: 28| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

      I would like to thank everyone who encouraged or tolerated me during this project. Thanks to Mark, who gave me the initial push to get started, Carol McCleary for seeing the potential, Bob Gleason and Greg Cox for many good suggestions and for pushing me to a new level, and to my wife, Gale, for hours of reading and rereading. Abby, Katie, and Bethany-this is why Dad sat at the puter all those hours.  DRAMATIS PERSONAE  OREGON  Kenny Randall-Student at Oregon Institute of Technology, and a member of the group. Dr. George Coombs-Former professor of anthropology, now a chiropractor. Dr. Chester Piltcher-Professor of system science at Oregon


