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《时光by》|总人气: 90| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    原著:Xanthe翻译:轮子(ellen) bingozak@sina原著链接:xanthe/discipline/Tenses.html>>>>>>>>>>>>>发件人 : Xanthe发送 : 2005年4月5日 2:10:06收件人 :主题 : FW: Another mail from China ;-DHi Ellen!Wow - your English is very good! I’d love it if you translated Tenses -it’s one of my favourites of my "straight" discipline fics. All I ask isthat you send me the link to where it’s posted when you’re done.I wish you luck with your life choices(这一段和授权无关;-P)Thanks for your kind feedback - it’s great to hear about how my storiesare being perceived in China :-) I find it all very thrilling and...

