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a critical examination of on the origin of species

a critical examination of on the origin of species

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《a critical examination of on the origin of species》|总人气: 62| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    A Critical Examination of "On The Origin of Species"by Thomas H. HuxleyIN the preceding five lectures I have endeavoured to give you an accountof those facts, and of those reasonings from facts, which form the dataupon which all theories regarding the causes of the phenomena oforganic nature must be based. And, although I have had frequentoccasion to quote Mr. Darwinas all persons hereafter, in speaking uponthese subjects, will have occasion to quote his famous book on the"Origin of Species,"you must yet remember that, wherever I havequoted him, it has not been upon theoretical points, or for statements...

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