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35-the hazel-nut child

35-the hazel-nut child

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《35-the hazel-nut child》|总人气: 54| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    THE HAZEL-NUT CHILD [29][29] From the Bukowniaer. Van Wliolocki.There was once upon a time a couple who had no children, and theyprayed Heaven every day to send them a child, though it were nobigger than a hazel-nut. At last Heaven heard their prayer andsent them a child exactly the size of a hazel-nut, and it nevergrew an inch. The parents were very devoted to the littlecreature, and nursed and tended it carefully. Their tiny son toowas as clever as he could be, and so sharp and sensible that allthe neighbours marvelled over the wise things he said and did.When the Hazel-nut child was fifteen years old, and was sitting...

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