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romantic ballads

romantic ballads

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《romantic ballads》|总人气: 150| 总推荐: 2| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    Romantic BalladsTranslated from the Danish and Miscellaneous Piecesby George BorrowContents:PrefaceLines from Allan Cunningham to George BorrowThe Death-raven. From the Danish of OehlenslaegerFridleif and Helga. From the Danish of OehlenslaegerSir Middel. From the Old DanishElvir-shades. From the Danish of OehlenslaegerThe Heddybee-spectre. From the Old DanishSir John. From the Old DanishMay Asda. From the Danish of OehlenslaegerAager and Eliza. From the Old DanishSaint Oluf. From the Old DanishThe Heroes of Dovrefeld. From the Old DanishSvend Vonved. From the Old DanishThe Tournament. From the Old Danish...

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