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《erlestanleygardner.the.caseofthesulkygirl》|总人气: 91| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

       THE girl walked past the secretary who held the door open, and surveyed the law office with eyes that showed just a trace of panic.  The secretary gently closed the door and the girl selected an old fashioned, high-backed, black leather chair. She sat down in it, crossed her legs, pulled her skirt down over her knees, and sat facing the door. After a moment, she pulled the skirt up for an inch or two, taking some pains to get just the effect she wanted. Then she leaned back so that her spun-gold hair showed to advantage against the shiny black leather of the big chair.  She looked pathetic and helpless as she sat in the big of

