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the city of domes

the city of domes

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《the city of domes》|总人气: 20| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    The City of DomesA Walk with an Architect About the Courts and Palaces of the PanamaPacific International ExposItion with a Discussion of Its Architecture -Its Sculpture - Its Mural Decorations Its Coloring - And Its Lighting -Preceded by a History of Its Growthby John D. BarryTo the architects, the artists and the artisans and to the men ofaffairs who sustained them in the cooperative work that created anexposition of surpassing beauty, unique among the expositions of theworld.ContentsChapterPrefaceIntroductionI. The View from the HillII. The Approach...

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