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《wildfire》|总人气: 50| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    Wildfireby Zane GreyCHAPTER IFor some reason the desert scene before Lucy Bostil awoke varying emotionsasweet gratitude for the fullness of her life there at the Ford, yet a hauntingremorse that she could not be wholly contenta vague loneliness of soulathrill and a fear for the strangely calling future, glorious, unknown.She longed for something to happen. It might be terrible, so long as it waswonderful. This day, when Lucy had stolen away on a forbidden horse, she waseighteen years old. The thought of her mother, who had died long ago on theirway into this wilderness, was the one drop of sadness in her joy. Lucy loved...

