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twice-told tales- ethan brand

twice-told tales- ethan brand

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《twice-told tales- ethan brand》|总人气: 16| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

     TWICE-TOLD TALESETHAN BRANDA CHAPTER FROM AN ABORTIVE ROMANCEby Nathaniel HawthorneBARTRAM THE LIME-BURNER, a rough, heavy-looking man, begrimedwith charcoal, sat watching his kiln, at nightfall, while his littleson played at building houses with the scattered fragments ofmarble, when, on the hill-side below them, they heard a roar oflaughter, not mirthful, but slow, and even solemn, like a wind shakingthe boughs of the forest."Father, what is that?" asked the little boy, leaving his play, and...

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