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06-the master thief

06-the master thief

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《06-the master thief》|总人气: 9| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    THE MASTER THIEFTHERE was once upon a time a husbandman who had three sons.He had no property to bequeath to them, and no means of puttingthem in the way of getting a living, and did not know what todo, so he said that they had his leave to take to anything they mostfancied, and go to any place they best liked. He would gladlyaccompany them for some part of their way, he said, and that he did.He went with them till they came to a place where three roadsmet, and there each of them took his own way, and the father badethem farewell and returned to his own home again. What becameof the two elder I have never been able to discover, but the young

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