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treatise on taxes and contributions

treatise on taxes and contributions

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《treatise on taxes and contributions》|总人气: 8| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    The Same being frequently applied to the present State and Affairs of Ireland.London, Printed for N. Brooke, at the Angel in Cornhill, 1662.by William Petty1662The PrefaceYoung and vain persons, though perhaps they marry not primarily and onely on purpose to get Children, much less to get such as may be fit for some one particular vocation; yet having Children, they dispose of them as well as they can according to their respective inclinations: Even so, although I wrote these sheets but to rid my head of so many troublesome conceits, and not to apply them to the use of any one particular People or Concernment; yet now they are born, and that

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