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letters to his son, 1756-58

letters to his son, 1756-58

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《letters to his son, 1756-58》|总人气: 9| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    Letters to His Son, 1756-58by The Earl of ChesterfieldLETTERS TO HIS SONBy the EARL OF CHESTERFIELDon the Fine Art of becoming aMAN OF THE WORLDand aGENTLEMANLETTER CCIIIBATH, November 15, 1756MY DEAR FRIEND: I received yours yesterday morning together with the Prussian, papers, which I have read with great attention. If courts could blush, those of Vienna and Dresden ought, to have their false hoods so publicly, and so undeniably exposed. The former will, I presume, next year, employ an hundred thousand men, to answer the accusation; and if the Empress of the two Russias is pleased to argue in the same cogent manner, their logic will be t

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