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the island pharisees

the island pharisees

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《the island pharisees》|总人气: 23| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    The Island Phariseesby John Galsworthy"But this is a worshipful society"KING JOHNPREFACEEach man born into the world is born like Shelton in this bookto goa journey, and for the most part he is born on the high road. Atfirst he sits there in the dust, with his little chubby handsreaching at nothing, and his little solemn eyes staring into space.As soon as he can toddle, he moves, by the queer instinct we call thelove of life, straight along this road, looking neither to the rightnor left, so pleased is he to walk. And he is charmed witheverythingwith the nice flat road, all broad and white, with his...

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