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much ado about nothing(无事生非)

much ado about nothing(无事生非)

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《much ado about nothing(无事生非)》|总人气: 40| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHINGMUCH ADO ABOUTNOTHINGWilliam Shakespeare15991- Page 2-MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHINGDramatis PersonaeDon Pedro, Prince of Arragon. Don John, his bastard brother. Claudio,a young lord of Florence. Benedick, a Young lord of Padua. Leonato,Governor of Messina. Antonio, an old man, his brother. Balthasar,attendant on Don Pedro. Borachio, follower of Don John. Conrade,...

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