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a discourse of coin and coinage

a discourse of coin and coinage

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《a discourse of coin and coinage》|总人气: 11| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    A Discourse of Coin and Coinageby Rice Vaughan1675A Discourse of Coin and Coinage: The first Invention, Use,Matter, Forms, Proportions and Differences, ancient & modern:with the Advantages and Disadvantages of the Rise and Fallthereof, in our own or Neighbouring Nations: and the Reasons.Together with a short Account of our Common Law therein.by Rice Vaughan, late of Grayes-Inn, Esq;London, Printed by Th. Dawks, for Th. Basset, at the George, nearCliffords-Inn, in Fleet-street. 1675.To the Right Honourable Henry Earl of Clarendon, ViscountCornbury, and Baron Hide of Hindon; Lord Chamberlain to the...

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