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the life of horatio lord nelson

the life of horatio lord nelson

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《the life of horatio lord nelson》|总人气: 16| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    The Life of Horatio Lord Nelsonby Robert SoutheyTO JOHN WILSON CROKER ESQ.,LL.D., F.R.S.,SECRETARY OF THE ADMIRALTY;WHO, BY THE OFFICIAL SITUATION WHICH HE SO ABLY FILLS,IS QUALIFIED TO APPRECIATE ITS HISTORICAL ACCURACY;AND WHO,AS A MEMBER OF THE REPUBLIC OF LETTERS,IS EQUALLY QUALIFIED TO DECIDE UPON ITSLITERARY MERITS,THIS WORKIS RESPECTFULLY INSCRIBED BY HIS FRIEND,THE AUTHORMany Lives of Nelson have been written; one is yet wanting, clear and concise enough to become a manual for the young sailor, which he may carry about with him till he has treasured it up for example in his memory and in his heart. In attempting such a work I shall w

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