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father and son

father and son

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《father and son》|总人气: 23| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    Father and SonA study of two temperamentsby Edmund GosseDer Glaube ist wie der Liebe: Er Lasst sich nicht erzwingen.SchopenhauerPREFACEAT the present hour, when fiction takes forms so ingenious and so specious, it is perhaps necessary to say that the following narrative, in all its parts, and so far as the punctilious attention of the writer has been able to keep it so, is scrupulously true. If it were not true, in this strict sense, to publish it would be to trifle with all those who may be induced to read it. It is offered to them as a document, as a record of educational and religious conditions which, having passed away, will never retur

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