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nada the lily

nada the lily

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《nada the lily》|总人气: 84| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    Nada the Lilyby H. Rider HaggardDEDICATIONSompseu:For I will call you by the name that for fifty years has been honouredby every tribe between Zambesi and Cape Agulbas,I greet you!Sompseu, my father, I have written a book that tells of men andmatters of which you know the most of any who still look upon thelight; therefore, I set your name within that book and, such as it is,I offer it to you.If you knew not Chaka, you and he have seen the same suns shine, youknew his brother Panda and his captains, and perhaps even that veryMopo who tells this tale, his servant, who slew him with the Princes....

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