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the unbearable bassington

the unbearable bassington

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《the unbearable bassington》|总人气: 167| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    The Unbearable Bassingtonby "Saki" [H. H. Munro]CHAPTER IFRANCESCA BASSINGTON sat in the drawing-room of her house in BlueStreet, W., regaling herself and her estimable brother Henry withChina tea and small cress sandwiches. The meal was of that elegantproportion which, while ministering sympathetically to the desiresof the moment, is happily reminiscent of a satisfactory luncheonand blessedly expectant of an elaborate dinner to come.In her younger days Francesca had been known as the beautiful MissGreech; at forty, although much of the original beauty remained,...

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