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the poet at the breakfast table

the poet at the breakfast table

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《the poet at the breakfast table》|总人气: 131| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    The Poet at the Breakfast Tableby Oliver Wendell HolmesPREFACE.In this, the third series of Breakfast-Table conversations, a slightdramatic background shows off a few talkers and writers, aided bycertain silent supernumeraries. The machinery is much like that ofthe two preceding series. Some of the characters must seem like oldacquaintances to those who have read the former papers. As I readthese over for the first time for a number of years, I notice onecharacter; presenting a class of beings who have greatly multipliedduring the interval which separates the earlier and laterBreakfast-Table papers,I mean the scientific specialists. The.

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