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life of francis marion(弗朗西丝·马利翁传)

life of francis marion(弗朗西丝·马利翁传)

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《life of francis marion(弗朗西丝·马利翁传)》|总人气: 53| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    Life of Marion.Life of Marion.DOBEIN JAMES.1- Page 2-Life of Marion.Preface.During the siege of Charleston, in May, 1780, the grammar school atSalem, on Black river, where I had been placed by my father, Major JOHNJAMES, broke up; and I was compelled to abandon my school boy studies,and become a militia man, at the age of fifteen. At that time of life it was agreat loss; but still I was so fortunate as to have General MARION as my...

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